what can I do?
Want midwifery care, but midwives are unavailable in your area?
We encourage you to write to your MHA and the Minister of Health and Community Services to share your disappointment in not being able to avail of midwifery services. The following letter is one example:
Honourable Minister Tom Osborne
Minister of Health and Community Services
P.O. Box 8700
1st Floor, West Block
Confederation Building
St. John’s, NL A1B 4J6
Dear Minister Osborne,
I am writing to you as the Minister of Health and Community Services because I am concerned that there are no midwifery services in my community and I am not aware of any plan to make these services available in the near future.
As you know, there is just one site in the province where registered midwives are available; Gander. Unfortunately, I do not live in this area. I was able to have a midwife for the birth of my first baby in Alberta and I benefitted from the excellent care that midwives give. You can imagine my disappointment when I moved back to Newfoundland and Labrador and learned that midwifery care is largely unavailable.
It has been seven years since midwifery was regulated in 2016, and services remain only available to a lucky few. I am asking you to publicly commit to a timeframe within which I can expect these services to be available to my family. I would like to see a government plan to integrate midwives more widely across the health system, so that women and families in all parts of the province have fair and appropriate access to midwifery care.
Thank you for your attention to this issue. I look forward to your response.
[Sender Name]
To find your MHA, click here
For Contact Information for the Minister of Health and Community Services, click here. https://www.gov.nl.ca/hcs/department/minister
Want midwifery care, but midwives are unavailable in your area?
We encourage you to write to your MHA and the Minister of Health and Community Services to share your disappointment in not being able to avail of midwifery services. The following letter is one example:
Honourable Minister Tom Osborne
Minister of Health and Community Services
P.O. Box 8700
1st Floor, West Block
Confederation Building
St. John’s, NL A1B 4J6
Dear Minister Osborne,
I am writing to you as the Minister of Health and Community Services because I am concerned that there are no midwifery services in my community and I am not aware of any plan to make these services available in the near future.
As you know, there is just one site in the province where registered midwives are available; Gander. Unfortunately, I do not live in this area. I was able to have a midwife for the birth of my first baby in Alberta and I benefitted from the excellent care that midwives give. You can imagine my disappointment when I moved back to Newfoundland and Labrador and learned that midwifery care is largely unavailable.
It has been seven years since midwifery was regulated in 2016, and services remain only available to a lucky few. I am asking you to publicly commit to a timeframe within which I can expect these services to be available to my family. I would like to see a government plan to integrate midwives more widely across the health system, so that women and families in all parts of the province have fair and appropriate access to midwifery care.
Thank you for your attention to this issue. I look forward to your response.
[Sender Name]
To find your MHA, click here
For Contact Information for the Minister of Health and Community Services, click here. https://www.gov.nl.ca/hcs/department/minister